What Did I Get Myself Into: The Life and Times of Uncle Ronnie

Never in my life plan did I think I’d have kids at my age. And I don’t.

Well, not of my own.

I’ve been blessed to be an uncle/godfather to a range of children. None of which are from my blood brother. (Not yet, at least)

In this group of children that know me as Uncle Ronnie, I have my 4 beloved nieces and nephews that were brought into my life during my last relationship.

Though the relationship with my ex didn’t succeed, my relationship with their mother and my influence in the lives of these 4 children remained unscathed.

There’s nothing more rewarding than being a helping hand in raising children and seeing the fruits of your labor as they grow and develop.

So enough of the back story. Let’s talk about these kids!

4 kids.
2 girls. 2 boys.
Ages: 8, 7, 3, and 2.

Xandria, Zachery, Vallyn, and Tyrus.
The Crew. The Rugrats.
Uncle Ronnie’s babies!

my niece Xandria
my niece Xandria

Xandria (the oldest)
Xandria is my baby girl. She is my rock star. She is the one that has been a beacon of light and has taught me more than I’ve taught her. To be so young, she is very wise and intelligent. Though naive and ignorant to the perils of society, she has the heart and willpower that people would kill for. She is very meek and reserved, but her personality and character is what truly shines. She doesn’t let anything hold her back from being who she is. She dresses how she wants. She marches to the beat of her own drum.

my nephew Zachery
my nephew Zachery

Z is the oldest boy; the second born. Your normal boy. He’s an introvert at his core, but will surprise you with his in-your-face personality when he wants to. Give him some Legos and watch the boy build some intricate vehicle that you want to put on your desk at the office. If that’s too much for you, turn on a video game, hand over the controller, and walk away for some peace and quiet because he’s going to become assimilated in the virtual reality of the game. Either way, he’s coming into his own day by day. Regardless of his past, he is very loving and compassionate to be 7!

my niece Vallyn
my niece Vallyn

Vallyn (the ringleader)
What is there to say about my nappy headed, sassy, vibrant, one in a million, darling niece Vallyn? She is a handful and then some. She’s cute as can be and will make sure that you know she knows. Intelligent, charismatic, just a complete character from the moment her eyes open until the moment she falls asleep. She’s the in-your-face, life of the party, “all about me” one of the bunch and she will make your mood go from 0 to 100, real quick. Among the 4 of them, Vallyn is the most likely to get in some kind of trouble or end up being the next Beyonce. Either way, I’m scared.

my nephew Tyrus
my nephew Tyrus

Tyrus (last, but certainly not least)
The youngest. The lover. The heartbreaker. My big headed nephew. I feel like he’s Stewie and I’m (a male version of) Lois from Family Guy. I swear he is trying to kill me!
In his “terrific 2s”, he is potty training, getting his motor skills developed and learning how to talk using real words. You may not understand what he’s saying all the time, but he sure will tell you “NO!” and mean it! A ball full of energy and emotion, facial expressions that could pierce anyone’s macho exterior, and poop that could make birds drop from the sky, Tyrus is not one to leave his presence unknown.

Safe to say, I’m one of the luckiest uncles on the planet, if not THE luckiest!

If you follow the blog, just know this is just the intro to the Life and Times of Uncle Ronnie!