Embarrassing Things Only Your Childhood Bro Knows About You

As young adults/young professionals/millennials, our pasts have shaped us into the men we are today.

We all grew up through the 90s and 2000s and lived in some of the best decades to ever grow up in.

We may be successful or on our way to being the great men we aspire to be, but we were once young, dumb, goofy, nerdy, and reckless.

Aside from our families, the people who truly know the trainwrecks we once were are our bros that we grew up with.

These are the guys that know exactly who we really are and where we came from. The ones who will always remember us for who we were back before jobs and responsibilities came into our lives.

Here are the embarrassing things that only our true bros know about us:

  1. Pre-pubescent you.
  2. Your AIM screen name.
  3. When your balls dropped.
  4. Your first crush.
  5. Your first kiss.
  6. The first note you wrote to a girl.
  7. The first time you got dumped.
  8. When you had braces.
  9. Who was on your MySpace Top 8 (or 4 or 16 or whatever you did)
  10. How bad of a dancer you were at middle school dances.
  11. When you were insecure about changing in the locker room.
  12. Your first public boner.
  13. When you swore you would never drink or do drugs.
  14. Your first real fight.
  15. When you got grounded for the entire summer.
  16. Yearbook pictures.
  17. Juvenile pranks during sleepovers.
  18. Coaching you to go talk to your crush.
  19. Middle school field trips.
  20. Your home phone number.
  21. Sexual encounters on band trips.
  22. The story of your first BJ.
  23. How many Motorola Razrs you had (and broke).
  24. Your first heartbreak.
  25. The crazy shxt we did when you got your license and your first car.
  26. The excitement to finally get facial hair.
  27. When you lost your virginity
  28. Homecoming dances/Prom
  29. When you discovered masturbation
  30. The first time you snuck out the house.
  31. How crazy your family REALLY is.
  32. Your secret obsession with Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera or Mandy Moore
  33. Pokemon. (Nuff said)
  34. Carpools with each other’s parents.
  35. First time you tried something illegal.
  36. Your elementary school birthday parties.
  37. Your first high school party.
  38. Your first hangover.
  39. How much you cheated in high school.
  40. That you’re really not that smart.
  41. The story behind that weird scar.
  42. When you’re really laughing.
  43. How much your parents yelled at you.
  44. The real reason why you got grounded for an entire summer.
  45. Where your parents spare house key is.
  46. That high school pregnancy scare with your high school sweetheart
  47. When you finally stopped peeing in the bed.
  48. All the porn you had stashed under your bed.
  49. How incredibly goofy you were (and still are).
  50. How big of a freaking loser really are at heart!

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